Church History
The Orgins
Greater Bibleway Missionary Baptist Church was organized in June of 1954. Rev. R.W. Wright, the last pastor of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church (3535 Van Dyke), served as moderator and presided over this meeting. Five people were present. Shortly thereafter, the church began holding services at the corner of Eliot and Rivard. The Rev. J.L. Irving was elected and called to pastor this flock.
Mitchell to Kercheval
Three months later, a building was rented at 4140 Mitchell. Under Pastor Irving’s leadership, the congregation’s membership grew to 250, and a powerful teaching ministry was established. Instructors were Rev. J.C. Perkins, Sister Eugene Irving and Sister Carol Jones (Bible Class, Baptist Training Union, Mission Dept., etc.). Because of the increase in membership, the church moved to 11739 Kercheval in 1967. The Pleasant Grove Baptist Association was organized by Rev. R.W. Wright and Greater Bibleway became an active member. Rev. S.M. Moore served as Second Moderator and Rev. J.L. Irving as secretary.
Transfer of Leardership
On July 26, 1972, while the church was still at the Kercheval address, Pastor Irving was called by God from labor to reward. Rev. Roosevelt Jenkins was selected as interim pastor and served for six months. Then, Rev. R.C. Johnson served as pastor for one year. Both were called home to be with the Lord.
On July of 1975, Rev. C.J. Henderson was called to pastor Greater Bibleway. Blue prints had been drawn up and plans to renovate the church were put in place. Unfortunately, the church was vandalized and set on fire and services could no longer be held there. For four months, services were held in the condemned former site of Sweet Home Baptist Church, located on Tillman St.
Townsend St Established
Under the prayerful leadership and administrative ability of Pastor Henderson and financial sacrifices of a few members and friends, the present property located at 1525 Townsend, was purchased in May 1977. Because of the moving about, there were only 8 active members at that time. On the first Sunday in May 1977, the doors of the church were opened for the first time and 14 people joined church. The membership soon grew to 125.
Pastor Lindsey Installed
On January 28, 1990, the church celebrated its mortgage burning. Shortly thereafter, in 1992, Pastor Henderson stepped down because of his failing health. In June 1992, Rev. Patrick O. Lindsey, who had been assisting Pastor Henderson at the church, accepted the call to pastor. He was installed on June 13, 1993.
The Church Today
Pastor Lindsey loves the Word of God and places a high priority on preaching and teaching the Bible, along with practical application of scriptural principles. Pastor Lindsey has accomplished many things during his tenure. A few highlights:
-Reinstituted weekly bible study and prayer services
-Established the Rev. C.J. Henderson Memorial Scholarship Fund which has provided over 25 high school graduates with support for their higher educational pursuits.
-Instituted a new disciples/new members classes
-Introduced quarterly leadership meetings
-Encouraged and supported the establishment of new ministries, including Hyped4Christ Youth Ministry, Women of Purpose, and The Men of Valor.